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Laptop Computer Power Supplies

Perhaps A Better Way

  An excellent source of high quality, regulated DC power supplies is AC power adapters for laptop PCs. The best choices are 12 and 15 volt models with a current capacity of 3 amps or greater.

  Power supplies with 3 prong plugs should be avoided unless a grounded output is needed. The Toshiba brand supplies are more likely to have the 2 prong power cord that is desirable for use on model railroads and for testing power supplies.

  15 volt power supplies would be ideal for home built DC throttles and accessory decoder boosters for DCC systems.

  Even though these power supplies have built in overcurrent protection, a fuse should be used at their outputs as the internal protection may pass more current than the downstream circuits can handle.

  Used laptop power supplies can be can be purchased inexpensively at many computer and electronics recycling facilities. (Have them tested before purchasing.)

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